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Don’t be a Turkey at Your Next Trade Show

Have you ever arrived at your event, and realized that your display had incorrect information, or was outdated or damaged at your last event but not repaired?

Did you know that some of your trade show staff were watching a ball game over the phone instead of talking with your customers?

Have you wondered why your trade shows did not turn out as well as you had hoped?

DoTradeshow would like to thank our customers and provide our “To DoTradeshow” list to help with 2020 trade show planning.

To DoTradeshow #1: Check over your current displays before each show
One of the most important things to do before year end is to set up each display, while you still have time to update if needed and get into the budget cycle. Determine if anything is broken or not working properly, and ensure that all information is current. This will prevent any unwanted surprises at your next show.

To DoTradeshow #2: Train or re-train on sales techniques
Your team is a representation of your company, and your deliverable. So you need everyone trained and ready for the show. Over the years, we have seen many trade show staff distracted, uninterested, or fatigued while working the  booth. This will inevitably send potential customers away. If you want to watch the ball game, display it on the large screen and use it as an attention grabber. Always remember to stay active, hydrated, ask questions, but more importantly, listen to the customer’s needs.

To DoTradeshow #3: Follow-up
The worst thing you can do after your event is to follow up too late or not follow up at all. Customers will want to take your information home with them, so follow up with them to keep the relationship active. Jot some notes down about the communication exchange at the event, so you can discuss them when following up.

We hope this To DoTradeshow list will help you soar like an eagle at your next event. For more pre-show tips, check out our blog Pre-show Trade Show and Event Promotion.

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