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Exhibiting Like A Pro!

The trade show circuit can be a very grueling but rewarding marketing strategy. Many companies find that exhibiting at a trade show is one of the best ways to reach potential customers that are attending a show looking for services they can provide. In order to be an effective exhibitor you should follow these simple tips.

1. Be Inviting.

One of the worst things you can plan on doing while exhibiting at a trade show is to appear bored or daydreamy. Put down your cell phone and allow attendees the opportunity to engage you in conversation. Another way to appear more inviting at trade shows is to leave some space at the front of your booth to allow attendees to come off the crowded show hallways and into your booth space. Place your table back a couple of feet, or get rid of your table altogether. By providing a comfortable space for business meetings you will see more attendees stepping into your “space” and opening themselves up to conversation.

2. Be Attractive.

Use a graphic printed display from to appear like a larger company than you may be. A fully printed backdrop fully printed backdrop displays display is a good idea to stand out from the rest of the exhibitors. It ALSO provides a quick snapshot of your company and the services/ products you provide. So it is a dual-purpose display, it creates a professional appearance and provides a quick visual aid for the attendee and sales staff to refer to.

3. Collect Leads.

Make sure to keep records of whom you spoke to or who stopped by your booth. Many companies will set-up a business card or entry form raffle for a prize or discounted service. This is a great lead generator for a post-show follow-up. Make sure you follow-up with people as well. They’ll likely forget that they visited you if they did not agree to work with you immediately at the show, so be sure to call or email them to follow-up.

4. Attend Numerous Shows.

You know the old saying, “Practice make perfect” so be sure to attend numerous shows throughout the year. Not only will you become savvier at trade show/ event marketing but you will likely reach a larger audience as well. By attending different shows in different geographical regions you can be sure you are reaching out to an audience that may have never heard about you or know your services / products.

I hope these tips will help and we look forward to working with you soon. Thanks!

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