Tradeshow Season Is In Full Swing. Plan Your Order Accordingly. We MOVED!!! Read about it Here

To Exhibit or Not to Exhibit…That is the Question!

While the title may appear that I am taking the subject lightly, I am not. It is a serious question for both large and small businesses whether they should attend Trade Shows, how many and what level of effort. The expense can be easily covered with new sales opportunities if done well at the right venue, but can be a real waste of time and money in other cases.

Speaking as a consumer, however, I very much appreciate contractors and vendors who display their talents, services and products at trade shows. I know this may appear to be a self-serving statement as we run a business selling portable trade show displays, but my family generally chooses our home contractors from these shows. One of my personal favorites is the Home Improvement & Design Expo held annually at Canterbury Park. The Home Improvement & Design Expo is produced by one of our longtime partners, MediaMax. This year’s Expo is February 18, 2017.

We always seem to have a list of home projects that are too large or difficult for us to handle ourselves, from landscape construction to bathroom update and buildling a new deck. It is very convenient for us to visit with multiple contractors in one place like a trade show, and we are generally afforded the opportunity to meet with the owner. We can view examples of their work, product and materials and compare relative values. If you are on the fence (weak pun intended) may you be encouraged to display your business at the Home Expo this year!

So once again, we at Trade Show Displays will be attending the Home Improvement & Design Expo at Canterbury Park as both consumers and as vendors. Yes, it’s true that many of the exhibitors are also our customers and we like to stop in and say thank you, but we might be embarking on yet another project.

Hope to see you at the Expo! Stop in and say hello!

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