Tradeshow Season Is HERE! Please plan your orders accordingly. We MOVED!!! Read about it Here

Trade Show Day… No Display... Now What?

We just discussed Trade Show Day Disasters last week and then…

A very tired, air worn Sales type finally arrives at the hotel after TSA hassles, flight delays, turbulence, rubber chicken and a lost cabbie. Grab the display that was drop shipped to the hotel and get some sleep is all that’s on his mind. No so fast, the hotel has no idea what shipment he’s talking about! This scenario has many beginnings. Shipments lost, Displays not sent, partial shipments, damaged shipments and the list is endless. This story does not have to end badly; in fact, it can have a very happy ending.

Just this month we received a call from a long-time customer. Somehow the company’s display had been double booked, but the sales guy did not know until arriving at his destination. He made a quick call to the home office for authorization and the next call to his old friends at DoTradeshow. “Hey, can you duplicate my portable display…by tomorrow?” While we wouldn’t want every order to be a “drop everything” type of order, giving this order front of the line privileges was the right thing to do. We had all his designs stored in his files and knew exactly what he needed. His display was shipped in a few hours! Set up was fast, too, so the sales guy made his show and diverted a miserable weekend.

We hope you never need our quick turnaround services to avoid an emergency, but it’s nice to know you have them if you ever do. Please give us a call at Trade Show Displays and see if we can serve your needs.

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